Program — Book of abstracts (PDF)

Chemnitz FE Symposium 2024:   Program

Monday, September 09, 2024
08:45 Opening (Küchwald 2-3)
Domain Decomposition (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Fleurianne Bertrand
08:50 Susanne Brenner DD-LOD
09:40 Michael Reichelt Domain Decomposition for Rotating Electrical Machines in Space-Time   [slides]
10:05 Alexei Lozinski phi-FEM: an optimally convergent finite element method on unfitted meshes   [slides]
10:30 Coffee Break
Mixed Discretizations (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Jay Gopalakrishnan
Optimal Control (Küchwald 1)
Chair: Arnd Rösch
Interface Problems (Küchwald 4)
Chair: Alexei Lozinski
11:00 Joachim Schöberl Matrix-valued Finite Elements for Solids, Structures and Fluids   [slides] Max Winkler Optimal Dirichlet Boundary Control Problems with Uncertain Data   [slides] Tim van Beeck Analysis of Divergence-Preserving Unfitted FEM for the Mixed Poisson Problem
11:25 Lukas Keller Higher order discontinuous Galerkin methods in time and pressure-robust finite element discretizations applied to time-dependent generalized Stokes problems   [slides] Johannes Pfefferer Numerical Analysis for Dirichlet Optimal Control Problems on Convex Polyhedral Domains   [slides] Anne-Kathrin Wenske Numerical Analysis and Simulations of Fully Eulerian Fluid-Structure Interactions using Cut Finite Elements
11:50 Christian Merdon Pressure-robustness in the context of the weakly compressible Navier-Stokes equations Olaf Steinbach A unified finite element approach for PDE constrained optimal control problems   [slides] Tim Haubold Parameter-robust unfitted finite element methods for a Maxwell interface problem
12:15 Lunch Break
Shape Optimisation (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Roland Herzog
13:45 Michael Hinze Shape optimization with Lipschitz methods   [slides]
14:35 Michael Gfrerer Automatic shape optimization of non-linear multi-physics problems
Poster Presentations (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Max Winkler
15:00 Maximilian Brodbeck Equilibration-based a-posteriori error estimators for poro-elasticity   [slides]
15:02 Sebastian Neumayer Iteratively Refined Image Reconstruction
15:04 Tugay Dagli Mixed finite element for Stokes eigenvalue problem   [slides]
15:06 Katharina Lorenz Stokes equation with non smooth boundary data   [slides]
15:10 Coffee Break + Poster Discussion
Shape Optimisation (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Michael Hinze
Space-Time (Küchwald 1)
Chair: Christian Wieners
Solid Mechanics (Küchwald 4)
Chair: Philipp Bringmann
15:40 Gerhard Starke Constrained Lp Approximation of Shape Tensors and its Relation to Shape Gradients Richard Löscher Space-time FEM for distributed optimal control problems subject to the wave equation with state or control constraints   [slides] Cristian Cárcamo Frequency-Domain Formulation and Convergence Analysis of Biot’s Poroelasticity Equations Based on Total Pressure
16:05 Bernhard Endtmayer Continuation applied to Shape Optimization   [slides] Viktor Kosin Dual-weighted residual goal-oriented error estimation for space-time adaptivity in phase-field fracture Henrik Schneider Stress-based least-squares FEM for Elastoplasticity
16:30 Viacheslav Karnaev Shape Optimization of the Thermoelastic Body Under Thermal Uncertainties Günther Of A non-symmetric space-time coupling of finite and boundary element methods for a parabolic-elliptic interface problem   [slides]
17:00 Tasting of Saxonian Specialities
19:00 Dinner
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Mixed Discretizations (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Joachim Schöberl
Adaptivity (Küchwald 1)
Chair: Tran Ngoc Tien
08:40 Knobloch Petr A well-balanced finite element scheme based on monolithic convex limiting   [slides] Thomas Wick Partition-of-unity localizations of dual-weighted residual estimators for single and multiple goal functionals   [slides]
09:05 Franziska Eickmann Properties of the Iterated penalty method for Scott-Vogelius elements Philipp Zilk Local isogeometric mesh refinement in polar-type domains with corners   [slides]
09:30 Alexander Linke Pressure-Robustness, an Elephant in the Room, and a Conceptual Review for Mixed Finite Element Methods Stefan Karch Adaptive mesh refinement for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation   [slides]
09:55 Edoardo Bonetti Distributional finite elements for linearised Einstein-Bianchi equations Philipp Bringmann On full linear convergence and optimal complexity of adaptive FEM with inexact solver   [slides]
10:20 Coffee Break
Mixed Discretizations (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Thomas Apel
10:50 Önder Türk Modal analysis in mixed finite element methods   [slides]
11:40 Igor Voulis On Embedded Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin methods
12:05 Mahima Yadav Convergence of a Riemannian gradient method for the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional in a rotating frame   [slides]
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00 Thomas Apel: Mastering Shapes: The Interplay of Finite Elements and Industrial Design
Excursion to BrauManufaktur and Industriemuseum
19:00 Dinner
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Fluid Flow (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Alexander Linke
08:40 Jay Gopalakrishnan A hybridizable mass-conserving stress-yielding method for incompressible flow   [slides]
09:30 Tran Ngoc Tien Discrete weak duality of hybrid high-order methods for convex minimization problems   [slides]
09:55 Ridgway Scott Obtaining reliable simulations of industrial fluid flow applications   [slides]
10:20 Coffee Break
Space-Time (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Günther Of
Fluid Flow (Küchwald 1)
Chair: Ridgway Scott
Solvers (Küchwald 4)
Chair: Gundolf Haase
10:50 Dmitriy Leykekhman Weak maximum principle of finite element methods for parabolic equations   [slides] Gunar Matthies Higher order temporal derivarives of the initial conditions for time-dependent generalized Stokes problems   [slides] Marco Mattuschka Sparse source detection for advection-diffusion problems
11:15 Christian Wieners Adaptive parallel space-time discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the linear transport equation   [slides] Gert Lube Towards dissipative solutions of turbulent incompressible flows   [slides] Markus M. Knodel Solving Nonlinear Virus Replication PDE Models With Hierarchical Grid Distribution Based GMG
11:40 Christian Köthe Space-time least-squares finite element methods   [slides] Paul Stocker Trefftz-DG discretization for the Stokes problem   [slides] Reza Mokhtari Theoretical aspects of the finite element method in solving fractional wave equations with nonsmooth data   [slides]
12:05 Boris Vexler A priori error estimates for finite element discretization of semilinear elliptic equations with non-Lipschitz nonlinearities   [slides] Marwa Zainelabdeen Augmenting the grad-div stabilization for Taylor-Hood finite elements with a vorticity stabilization Pelin Çiloğlu Preconditioning for a phase-field model for the morphology evolution in organic solar cells   [slides]
12:30 Closing
12:45 Lunch