Program — Book of abstracts (PDF)

Chemnitz FE Symposium 2024:   Program

Monday, September 09, 2024
08:45 Opening (Küchwald 2-3)
Domain Decomposition (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Fleurianne Bertrand
08:50 Susanne Brenner DD-LOD
09:40 Michael Reichelt Domain Decomposition for Rotating Electrical Machines in Space-Time
10:05 Alexei Lozinski phi-FEM: an optimally convergent finite element method on unfitted meshes
10:30 Coffee Break
Mixed Discretizations (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Jay Gopalakrishnan
Optimal Control (Küchwald 1)
Chair: Arnd Rösch
Interface Problems (Küchwald 4)
Chair: Alexei Lozinski
11:00 Joachim Schöberl Matrix-valued Finite Elements for Solids, Structures and Fluids Max Winkler Optimal Dirichlet Boundary Control Problems with Uncertain Data Tim van Beeck Analysis of Divergence-Preserving Unfitted FEM for the Mixed Poisson Problem
11:25 Lukas Keller Higher order discontinuous Galerkin methods in time and pressure-robust finite element discretizations applied to time-dependent generalized Stokes problems Johannes Pfefferer Numerical Analysis for Dirichlet Optimal Control Problems on Convex Polyhedral Domains Anne-Kathrin Wenske Numerical Analysis and Simulations of Fully Eulerian Fluid-Structure Interactions using Cut Finite Elements
11:50 Christian Merdon Pressure-robustness in the context of the weakly compressible Navier-Stokes equations Olaf Steinbach A unified finite element approach for PDE constrained optimal control problems Tim Haubold Parameter-robust unfitted finite element methods for a Maxwell interface problem
12:15 Lunch Break
Shape Optimisation (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Roland Herzog
13:45 Michael Hinze Shape optimization with Lipschitz methods
14:35 Michael Gfrerer Automatic shape optimization of non-linear multi-physics problems
Poster Presentations (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Max Winkler
15:00 Maximilian Brodbeck Equilibration-based a-posteriori error estimators for poro-elasticity
15:02 Sebastian Neumayer Iteratively Refined Image Reconstruction
15:04 Tugay Dagli Mixed finite element for Stokes eigenvalue problem
15:06 Katharina Lorenz Stokes equation with non smooth boundary data
15:10 Coffee Break + Poster Discussion
Shape Optimisation (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Michael Hinze
Space-Time (Küchwald 1)
Chair: Christian Wieners
Solid Mechanics (Küchwald 4)
Chair: Philipp Bringmann
15:40 Gerhard Starke Constrained Lp Approximation of Shape Tensors and its Relation to Shape Gradients Richard Löscher Space-time FEM for distributed optimal control problems subject to the wave equation with state or control constraints Cristian Cárcamo Frequency-Domain Formulation and Convergence Analysis of Biot’s Poroelasticity Equations Based on Total Pressure
16:05 Bernhard Endtmayer Continuation applied to Shape Optimization Viktor Kosin Dual-weighted residual goal-oriented error estimation for space-time adaptivity in phase-field fracture Henrik Schneider Stress-based least-squares FEM for Elastoplasticity
16:30 Viacheslav Karnaev Shape Optimization of the Thermoelastic Body Under Thermal Uncertainties Günther Of A non-symmetric space-time coupling of finite and boundary element methods for a parabolic-elliptic interface problem
17:00 Tasting of Saxonian Specialities
19:00 Dinner
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Mixed Discretizations (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Joachim Schöberl
Adaptivity (Küchwald 1)
Chair: Tran Ngoc Tien
08:40 Knobloch Petr A well-balanced finite element scheme based on monolithic convex limiting Thomas Wick Partition-of-unity localizations of dual-weighted residual estimators for single and multiple goal functionals
09:05 Franziska Eickmann Properties of the Iterated penalty method for Scott-Vogelius elements Philipp Zilk Local isogeometric mesh refinement in polar-type domains with corners
09:30 Alexander Linke Pressure-Robustness, an Elephant in the Room, and a Conceptual Review for Mixed Finite Element Methods Stefan Karch Adaptive mesh refinement for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation
09:55 Edoardo Bonetti Distributional finite elements for linearised Einstein-Bianchi equations Philipp Bringmann On full linear convergence and optimal complexity of adaptive FEM with inexact solver
10:20 Coffee Break
Mixed Discretizations (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Thomas Apel
10:50 Önder Türk Modal analysis in mixed finite element methods
11:40 Igor Voulis On Embedded Trefftz discontinuous Galerkin methods
12:05 Mahima Yadav Convergence of a Riemannian gradient method for the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional in a rotating frame
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00 Thomas Apel: Mastering Shapes: The Interplay of Finite Elements and Industrial Design
Excursion to BrauManufaktur and Industriemuseum
19:00 Dinner
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Fluid Flow (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Alexander Linke
08:40 Jay Gopalakrishnan A hybridizable mass-conserving stress-yielding method for incompressible flow
09:30 Tran Ngoc Tien Discrete weak duality of hybrid high-order methods for convex minimization problems
09:55 Ridgway Scott Obtaining reliable simulations of industrial fluid flow applications
10:20 Coffee Break
Space-Time (Küchwald 2-3)
Chair: Günther Of
Fluid Flow (Küchwald 1)
Chair: Ridgway Scott
Solvers (Küchwald 4)
Chair: Gundolf Haase
10:50 Dmitriy Leykekhman Weak maximum principle of finite element methods for parabolic equations Gunar Matthies Higher order temporal derivarives of the initial conditions for time-dependent generalized Stokes problems Marco Mattuschka Sparse source detection for advection-diffusion problems
11:15 Christian Wieners Adaptive parallel space-time discontinuous Galerkin Methods for the linear transport equation Gert Lube Towards dissipative solutions of turbulent incompressible flows Markus M. Knodel Solving Nonlinear Virus Replication PDE Models With Hierarchical Grid Distribution Based GMG
11:40 Christian Köthe Space-time least-squares finite element methods Paul Stocker Trefftz-DG discretization for the Stokes problem Reza Mokhtari Theoretical aspects of the finite element method in solving fractional wave equations with nonsmooth data
12:05 Boris Vexler A priori error estimates for finite element discretization of semilinear elliptic equations with non-Lipschitz nonlinearities Marwa Zainelabdeen Augmenting the grad-div stabilization for Taylor-Hood finite elements with a vorticity stabilization Pelin Çiloğlu Preconditioning for a phase-field model for the morphology evolution in organic solar cells
12:30 Closing
12:45 Lunch