Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium 2025:   Registration

Registration form Please fill out this form, then click “Preview” below. Mandatory fields are marked by
Privacy statement

Any data that you supply on this page is transmitted safely by SSL encryption. After submission, your data is saved in a local database. As a precaution, a copy of this data is sent to your email address and to the email address of the organising committee. The data will only be used for organising the symposium. Name and institution will appear in the List of Participants. You will receive only emails concerning the symposium. No third party may have access to your data.

Personal Data
First name: Surname:
Would you like to give a talk (20 min)?
Would you like to present a poster?
Title of the talk:
or poster
I agree to restricted publication of my slides after the symposium(∗)
(∗) If you agree, we will make your slides available password protected to the other participants after the symposium on the web page with the conference programme.
Do you have any further comments?
  • The "Preview" button first checks whether all necessary information has been provided. When any mandatory data is missing you will be prompted to complete it.
  • When all data is correct you will get a summary of all your input on the next page. There you can actually submit (or change) your registration.
    No information is submitted until you click the "Register now" button on the next page.
  • After submitting your registration you will receive an email with your data.
    Thereafter, you may switch to the abstract submission form and/or to the registration form of one of the other two Chemnitz conference events in September.