Chemnitz Summer School on Applied Analysis 2019  [POSTER]

Photos of the Summer School

The Chemnitz Summer School on Applied Analysis has been organised annually since 2006. The format is a five day-long series of multi-lecture short courses by a number of distinguished researchers from mathematical fields including functional analysis, integral and differential equations, numerical analysis, control theory, approximation theory and linear algebra. No registration fee is imposed for graduate students and postdocs, however the number of participants is limited.

Accommodation is not provided, but we have blocked a number of rooms (until September 06) at the Seaside Residenz Hotel with a discounted rate of 58 Euro per night for a single room including breakfast. This rate is only valid for booking via phone (+49 371 3551 0) or email ( but not via the online booking system. Please use the keyword Sommerschule 2019 for the registration. Furthermore a list of nearby hotels can be found here.

Date September 23-27 (Mon-Fri) approximately from Monday 9:15 a.m. to Friday 1:00 p.m.
Location Lectures will take place on the 6th floor of the Mathematics Building, Reichenhainer Strasse 39/41, Room 638.
Scientific topics The courses of the summer school focus on different aspects of Applied Analysis. They are meant for training of graduate students, Ph.D. students and young post-doc researchers.
Schedule The program is available: Schedule
Lecturers Benjamin Gess (MPI Leipzig)
    Optimal regularity in time and space for the porous medium equation
Karin Schnass (Universität Innsbruck)
    Dictionary Learning
Birgit Schörkhuber (Universität Karlsruhe)
    Singularity formation in nonlinear time-dependent PDEs
Andreas Seeger (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
    The Haar system in various function spaces
Vladimir N. Temlyakov (University of South Carolina)
    Sampling discretization of integral norms
Posters Participants have the opportunity to present posters with their own research.
Important dates
Registration fee none.
Peter Junghanns (Chemnitz) Daniel Potts (Chemnitz)
Jan-Frederik Pietschmann (Chemnitz) Tino Ullrich (Chemnitz)