Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium 2023     On Tour

The Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium dates back to 1978, a time when the finite element method, already in use in the engineering community, was just beginning to be seriously analysed by a small number of mathematicians. Since then the FE Symposium, organised throughout the years by the numerical analysis group at the TUC and its descendants, has evolved into an annual workshop on the mathematical analysis of the finite element method and its applications including engineering simulations, control theory and inverse problems. Besides distinguished invited speakers on topical subjects selected each year, the FE Symposium specifically welcomes young researchers and doctoral students for whom it provides a friendly atmosphere and opportunities to interact with more established colleagues. Beginning with 2017, the FE Symposium venue and local organisation will alternate between its home in Chemnitz and the institution of one of the members of its Scientific Committee.

In 2023 the symposium is hosted by the University of Graz (Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing).

Note: This event can be perfectly combined with the participation in the Congress of the ÖMG in Graz September 18 to 22, 2023.

Date September 11-13, 2023 (Mon-Wed)
Schloss Seggau
This year the Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium is on tour in Leibnitz south of Graz, Austria.
Conference venue: Schloss Seggau
Time schedule
  • Sunday: arrival, social evening
  • Monday: opening at 9:00, presentations
  • Tuesday: presentations, excursion, conference dinner
  • Wednesday: presentations, closing at 13:00
Scientific topics The symposium is devoted to all aspects of finite elements and other computer-based methods for solving partial differential equations.

This year we particularly encourage talks on

  • Scientific Computing
  • Solvers
  • Discontinuous Galerkin
Invited speakers Martin Gander (Université de Genève)
Barbara Kaltenbacher (Universität Klagenfurt)
Yvan Notay (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
David E. Keyes (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
Contributions Talks: 20 minutes (plus 5 minutes for discussion) and 45+5 for invited talks.
Posters: Posters in A0 format can be presented during the poster sessions.
Important dates
Please meet the following deadlines:
  • May 21, 2023: Online submission of abstracts for talks and posters.
  • June 16, 2023: Online registration.
  • June 11, 2023: Room reservation at Schloss Seggau
  • June 30, 2023: Payment of conference fee
  • The Collection of Abstracts will be made available online in September.
  • At conference venue:
    • 111,50 Euro per night (single room, breakfast included)
    •  84 Euro per night (per person, 2 people in double room, breakfast included)
    to be booked until June 11, 2023 and to be paid on-site.
  • Other hotels available in Leibnitz: see

The conference venue can be reached most easily via S-Bahn train from Graz central station or from Graz airport. The conference place will be reached via taxi, shuttle service or some (rare) bus.

  • From Graz central station:
    Take the S-Bahn S5 (or some other train to Maribor/Zagreb) in direction "Spielfeld-Straß" and leave at station "Leibnitz" (~38 min).
  • From Graz airport:
    Leave the airport and walk 600m straight to train station "Flughafen Graz-Feldkirchen". Take the S-Bahn S5 in direction "Spielfeld-Straß" and leave at station "Leibnitz" (~27 min). 
  • From Leibnitz station to Schloß Seggau:
    Walking (~ 40min)
    take buses 560/610 from outside the station until "Leibnitz Tennishalle/HAK"  (~ 34 min), and walk uphill to the castle
    take a taxi; we are going to provide a shuttle service in Sunday evening, details will follow.
Conference fee 300 EUR before 30th June 2023
350 EUR after 30th June 2023
to be paid via the online booking system of the University of Graz (credit card or Klarna) after the registration.
Further information In case that your conference attendence is dependent on the availability of providing child care, please contact us.
Scientific Committee
Th. Apel (München) H. Harbrecht (Basel) O. Rheinbach (Freiberg)
F. Bertrand (Chemnitz) R. Herzog (Heidelberg) A. Rösch (Duisburg-Essen)
S. Beuchler (Hannover) M. Jung (Dresden) O. Steinbach (Graz)
O. Ernst (Chemnitz) U. Langer (Linz) M. Stoll (Chemnitz)
G. Haase (Graz) A. Meyer (Chemnitz) M. Winkler (Chemnitz)
Local Organisation G. Haase, M. Winkler, F. Caforio, T. Grandis
Contact mail address expired